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March 16, 2007


David Jones

Howdy from your Canadian blogging colleague. This is a fantastic post, full of great insight into the success of a great "brand" blog. I've been following it and using it as an example in my presentation for almost a year.

It's great to hear that Southwest thinks it's a success. It's amazing what can happen when communicators are given some space to operate.

Congrats on the blog launch.


Paula Berg

Howdy, David! Congratulations on getting your blog up and running, and thanks for the kind words about ours. Blogging is indeed a labor of love. And, I think what I love the most about Nuts About Southwest is seeing the relationships that are building on our site between our Customers and Employees.

You can see it in the dialogue on our blog, but to give you an example, last Thursday, a group of our Employee Bloggers took a trip down to Albuquerque to meet a Customer Blogger, Francisco Delgado, face-to-face for the first time before he ships off on the USS Nimitz for a double deployment to the Persian Gulf.

Because of our blog, Francisco is not just one of our Customers, he is part of our extended family, and we will be communicating with him though the blog while he is at sea!

Paula Berg

p.s. Great photo!

du hoc uc

Howdy, David! Congratulations on getting your blog up and running, and thanks for the kind words about ours. Blogging is indeed a labor of love. And, I think what I love the most about Nuts About Southwest is seeing the relationships that are building on our site between our Customers and Employees.

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